Page 24 - Katalog Kinglab Indonesia
P. 24


                                                             General Specifica on
                                                             Light Source      Xenon Flash Lamp
                                                             Detector          CCD (2,048 Pixels), (reference beam available)
                                                             Wavelength Accuracy  ±1 nm
                                                             Wavelength Range  190 – 1,100 nm
                                                             Spectral Resolu on  0.3 nm
                                                             Dimension         220 x 280 x 220 mm
                                                             Weight            5 kg
                                                             Nano-Volume Specifica on
                                                             Absorbance Precision  1% at 100 ng/µl
                                                             Absorbance Range  0 – 300 Abs. (10 nm equivalent)
                                                             Detec on Limit    2 ng/µl (dsDNA)
                                                             Maximum Concentra on  15,000 ng/µl (dsDNA)
                                                             Measurement Time  5 sec
                                                             Minimum Sample Size  1 µl
                                                             Path Length       0.01 – 1.2 mm (Auto-ranging)
                                                             Cuve e Specifica on
                                                             Beam Height       8.5 mm
                                                             Absorbance Range  0.002 – 2.0 Abs.
                Model Name : UV/VIS Nano                     Measurement Time  3 sec
                    Spectrophotometer                                                      MicroDigital


                                                             Limit of Detec on     1x10-18 moles of ATP
                                                             Dynamic Range         Up to 7-log
                                                             Detector              PMT (Photomul plier Tube)
                                                             Spectral Response Range  350-650nm
                                                             Tube type             1.5ml Microcentrifuge Tube
                                                             LCD Touch Panel       7.0 inch
                                                             Dimension              W: 210mm, D: 250mm, H: 150mm
                                                             Power                 100~240V, 50~60Hz, 1.5A
                                                             Weight                2kg
                                                             Warranty              1 Year
                 Model Name : Single Tube
                      Luminometer                                                          MicroDigital


                                                             Whole process takes less than 75 minutes for maximum of 96 samples at once.
                                                             • MDGen AB96-COVID-19 IgG kit is a test designed for the qualita ve
                                                                presump ve detec on of specific IgG to SARS-CoV-2
                                                             • MDGen AB96-COVID-19 IgG is a kit that only requires a small amount of
                                                                sample (1μl) from the tes ng individual. It is much less intrusive than nasopharyngeal swabs.
                                                             • MDGen AB96-COVID-19 IgG kit is compa ble with standard plate readers (450nm)
                                                             • The difference between Nega ve control and Posi ve control readings are significantly
                                                                 higher which means it is easier to determine the presence of IgG specific to SARS-CoV-2.
                                                             Characteris cs
                                                             Method : Qualita ve Presump ve
                                                             Test Kit Format : 96 well microplate with 12 strips; all necessary reagents included
                                                             Test Principle : Indirect ELISA
                                                             Tes ng Time :  75 Minutes
                                                             Sample Material : Serum or Plasma
                                                             Sample Volume : 1 μ
                  Model Name : MDGen                                                       MicroDigital
                    AB96-COVID-19 IgG

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